Welcome to Christ Cathedral

It is a pleasure for me to join my voice to Bishop Kevin Vann’s in welcoming you to Christ Cathedral.  As Bishop Vann says, Christ Cathedral is “the new hub of Catholic worship in Orange County.” In other words, it is the Mother Church of the Diocese of Orange.  All the parishes in the Diocese are related to one another but, above all, each is related to Christ Cathedral.  

In Bishop Vann’s letter of welcome, he refers to the various programs, public events, classes, and other events hosted at Christ Cathedral for parishioners and other members of our diverse community. The heart and soul of Christ Cathedral is its liturgical and sacramental life.  Here we celebrate the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, ordinations, weddings, quinceañeras, funerals and, above all, the Eucharist which is the source and summit of Catholic life. 

The Christ Cathedral Campus welcomes many visitors to experience the beauty of the Cathedral and other features of the Campus, such as the cemetery or the Shrine of Our Lady of La Vang.  Many come here for a variety of public events and other opportunities. But nestled within the Christ Cathedral Campus is a parish community, once the parish community of Saint Callistus, which was and continues to be known for its hospitality, its outreach to those and need, and its vibrant life of prayer and worship.

Members of the parish gather at Christ Cathedral Sunday by Sunday, some members gather day by day.  This is place, the sacred space, the place for Christ forever, where the People of God gather to celebrate in Word and Sacrament, becoming more deeply and visibly the Body of Christ in our own time and place.  This parish is above all a praying community at the heart of Christ Cathedral Campus.  Our parish community is what gives the rest of the Campus with all its events and activities its energy, its spirit, and its sense of purpose.

When visitors arrive, when conference participants come, when meetings are held on the Christ Cathedral Campus, we warmly welcome all to step into the Cathedral for a short visit to pray, even if ever so briefly.  In doing so visitors become, by God’s timeless grace and mercy, a part of our praying community. For our part, as members of this parish, we offer our promise of prayer and support for all who come to Christ Cathedral Campus, offering them a sense of “being at home,” a deeper awareness of Christ’s presence through the gift of the Holy Spirit dwelling in our hearts.

To all at Christ Cathedral and beyond, through the intercessions of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph, may God bless you and your family with a grace-filled Christmas and prosperous New Year!

“God loves you and so do I” (Rev. Robert H. Schuller).

Sincerely yours in Christ,
Very Reverend Bao Thai