Letting Jesus Love Us

Easter declares that goodness triumphs over the death of sin.  Jesus’ resurrection says life wins, death does not!  In the midst of the pain and death caused by the coronavirus pandemic, Easter invites us to let the life-giving love of Jesus pour into our lives.  This is a time to let Jesus love us the way he wants to. A time to let Jesus give us hope when it is so hard to feel hopeful.  A time to let him reassure us as we experience the loss of life, health, the presence of family and friends, financial resources and receiving the sacraments. This is the time to let our resurrected Lord reach into our lives with words of comfort as he says, “It’s alright, I am with you.”

This Easter, as we let Jesus love us the way he wants to, how about letting the people in our lives love us the way they want to.  Moms and dads, let your children love you the way they want to.  Know they are grateful for all you have given them, even though they may not always know how to say thank you. You may think they do not know when you are hurting or sad.  Most of the time, they do know. They want you to feel better. They try to make that happen with a special hug, the room they clean on their own or the special drawing they make just for you. Let your children comfort you.  Let them make you laugh. Let them be your pride and joy.

Children, let your mom and dad love you the way they want to.  Let them show you how precious you are to them.  Let them help you to be safe.  Pay attention to their efforts to help you grow into responsible adults.  Let them shower you with love, protect you by their rules and guide you with their words of wisdom.

Wives, let your husbands adore you. Husbands, let your wives cherish you.  Friends, let your friend accept the real you, with your strengths and weaknesses. Let your friend be, as the Scripture says, a sturdy shelter for you.  And be that shelter for your friend.

Even though we cannot be with so many of you, let us priests love you the way we want to.  Let the Masses we offer for you bring you strength. Let our prayers give you peace.  Let our care that we carry within us every day of our lives help you through every day of yours. We, too, will let you love us with your support, understanding and prayers.

Easter has come just in time this year.  When, more than now, have we needed to love and to let ourselves be loved? This Easter we say thank you to those who love us and to those who let us love them.  Thank you, Jesus, for showing us how.  Alleluia!

A blessed Easter to all,

Very Rev. Christopher Smith, Rector