Some people do not go to the doctor out of fear of what the doctor might find.  Professional counselling is sometimes avoided because of worry about what might be uncovered.  Newspapers go unread and television news is not watched in order to steer clear of bad news.  Some folks will not even look in the mirror, afraid of what they might see.  Because of an unwillingness to look at what is really going on, there could be much in our lives that is going unrecognized.

Jesus knew well our reluctance to take an honest look at ourselves, so he says, “Why do you notice the splinter in your brother’s eye, but do not perceive the wooden beam in your own (Luke 6:39-45)?”  In other words, from time to time, it is important to take a look at what is going unnoticed in our lives.  Health professionals tells us early detection of an illness is the key to better health and perhaps even a cure.  There may be things in our lives that we are not detecting, that, if not recognized, could bring great harm to ourselves or others.

What is going unrecognized in our lives that needs to be looked at?  In our relationships with others, what might we be denying because it is too painful to acknowledge?  What issues are we skirting or protecting ourselves from because they seem too threatening to take on?  What obstacles might be creating a distance between us and God?  Where might we need reconciliation?

Sirach says, “The fruit of a tree shows the care it has had (Sirach 27:4-7).”  How are we caring for ourselves physically, emotionally, spiritually?  What is feeding these lives God has given to us?  Removing the wooden beams of what we have been afraid of seeing could be the beginning of lives that flourish like beautiful trees which have been well cared for.

This is our commitment weekend for the annual Diocese of Orange Pastoral Services Appeal (PSA). This appeal financially supports our diocesan ministries, as well as the ministries of the parish.  The PSA theme, Our Faith,  Our Future, reminds us that our faith in God can give us the courage to recognize what is going unnoticed in our lives that might be causing harm to ourselves or others.  Our participation in the life of the Church can give us the support we need to make changes that move us into the future with new life and hope.  Your generosity to the PSA and the ministries it funds is an act of care for the lives that God has entrusted to us.

Together in faith,

Very Rev. Christopher Smith, Rector