These past months we have celebrated many beautiful feasts and special occasions at Christ Cathedral. In November, we conducted our stewardship renewal process with an overwhelming response of generosity in pledges for the weekly financial support of the parish. We had our bursting at the seams Thanksgiving Mass, the serene Mass of Remembrance and cemetery tribute and the devout celebration of the Mass honoring the Vietnamese Martyrs. December marked the Advent season of joyfully anticipating the arrival of Jesus into the world, including a Sunday update on the Christ Cathedral project. The Our Lady of Guadalupe Novena and celebrations brought faith and flowers reminding us of Our Lady’s motherly care. The Simbang Gabi Mass and festivities ushered in the feast of Christmas with the celebration of 16 Masses in four languages from Christmas Eve through Christmas Day. In this new year, I cannot help but be filled with gratitude for you and this vibrant community called Christ Cathedral Parish.
Christ Cathedral Parish is part of the Diocese of Orange under the leadership of Bishop Kevin Vann. The administrative and pastoral offices of the diocese provide the infrastructure, support and training that are the foundations for our local parish ministries. I am inviting you to support the work of the diocese through your participation in the 2017 Pastoral Services Appeal (PSA). The theme, “Proud to Be Catholic—Know, Love, Serve”, reminds us of the gift it is to be part of our Catholic Church through which we know, love and serve the Lord.
This year our diocesan goal is $160,000.00. All monies collected over our diocesan goal are returned to the parish 100%, providing additional financial support for our own parish ministries. Our PSA Pledge weekend is February 18-19, when you will have an opportunity to make a pledge to be paid over the next 10 months. Please consider what portion of your financial resources you will share to support the work of the diocese and of our parish. A proportionate gift may mean $1,000.00 for some, $500.00 for others, $300.00 for others or any other amount. I am proud to be on the journey of faith with you at Christ Cathedral Parish. Thank you for your generosity in supporting our efforts to bring the Lord’s life and love to our world.
Together in faith,
Very Rev. Christopher H. Smith, Rector